Sylvie is Two!
Oh Sylvie, how are you two? At the same time it feels like you’ve been here forever and also no time at all.
Unfortunately, on your birthday, we all woke up feeling under the weather. Christmas has taken its toll on all of us, but we are still having family round for a quiet get together later. We knew you’d love a doll this year because you adore Vivienne’s battered old one from years ago, and we also got a few ‘role play’ things to go with it too. You’ve hardly let it out of your sight since we gave you your presents this morning.. even if it does mean that you’re ramming us in the ankles with your little buggy and crashing into walls and doors.
You’ve come on so much these past few months and you’re such a chatterbox. We love hearing you learning new phrases and words, and it’s so lovely for Vivienne now to hear just how much you adore her.. constantly asking “Where Vivi?” or “Come on Viv!”. You’re also saying “Merry Mit-mas!”, “Mitmas Tree”, all our family members’ names.. in all honestly I can’t think of much that you don’t repeat and parrot back to us these days.
You love role-playing at your kitchen and copying anything the rest of us do, from trying to open the door with keys, to brushing your own teeth. Remember when you blocked the downstairs loo sink with loo roll before flooding the room? That was fun too.
You love a game of hide and seek with Vivienne “Red or not, ga ca come!”, you can count to ten and name all your body parts (eyes and ears are mixed up, but close enough). You insist on feeding yourself, even if you rub yoghurt and other food into your face given the opportunity. You also still love going to Julie’s and playing with the children there too.
You love baked beans (“beeeeeans!”), crumpets (“pumpets”) and yoghurt. You call every fruit “tawbries!” and demolish the lot. You love watching Peppa Pig and Mr Tumble, and you also love watching longer things on the couch with your big sister under a duvet too.
You are gloriously stubborn, a trait we all share, and I’m not interested in changing that about you any time soon. I hope to always remember your little giggle, the little way you mix up your words, and how you shriek with laughter and run off when we catch you doing something you’re not meant to.
I can’t wait to see what the next few months bring, but it doesn’t mean that I’m not savouring as much as possible of the age you’re at now too.
Happy birthday to you, our beautiful and boisterous little snot monster. Carry on being hilarious, stubborn and wonderful in your own individual way. We love you.